2019 Business Survey to be conducted in September and October

The Statistics Office will be conducting the second annual Business Survey from mid-September to end-October. The first survey was conducted in 2018 and the results have been widely used to better understand the economy and business environment on St Helena.

The 2019 version of the Business Survey has been streamlined, and the short survey has two parts: Schedule A, which includes questions related to the business environment and employment, and Schedule B, which includes questions on income and expenses. Sole traders (i.e. businesses with no employees apart from the owner) will need only to complete a shorter version of Schedule A, and will not be required to complete Schedule B. The survey should take less than 15 minutes to complete.

The survey fieldwork will start on Monday, 16 September, and is expected to take around six weeks. It will be conducted within the legal framework of the 2000 Statistics Ordinance and, like the 2018 Business Survey, all businesses with employees are legally required to complete the survey. Statistics Officers will conduct the fieldwork, including contacting businesses, distributing and collecting questionnaires, and helping businesses to complete the survey. Thanks are extended to the St Helena business community for their cooperation.

Businesses may complete either a paper questionnaire or an online form, which can be accessed via the following link:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SH-2019-Business-Survey.

The information provided on the questionnaires will be treated with strict confidence, and will be used only for the purpose of compiling statistics to be published in accordance with the protocols laid out in the 2000 Statistics Ordinance.

For more information, or to request a questionnaire or an email link to the online survey, please contact the Statistics Office on tel: 22138 or by email: statistics@sainthelena.gov.sh.

#StHelena #Statistics #BusinessSurvey2019



12 September 2019

St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470
Email: communications@sainthelena.gov.sh