7 May 2019
The Education Directorate would like to remind the public that they will be holding their first ever Teaching & Learning Conference at Prince Andrew School tomorrow, Wednesday, 8 May 2019, from 8.45am to 3.45pm.
The conference will comprise a busy programme with a blend of input, workshops, short presentations, and involvement of children, young people, and parents.
Throughout the day there will be participation opportunities, including a range of presentations and active learning sessions, exploring the theme of ‘Unlocking Potential Through Learning Today’.
The programme includes 12 learning sessions facilitated by a range of professionals from Teachers, Teacher Trainees, and the Teacher Training Advisor, to members of the Health, Safeguarding, and Police Directorates, as well as the Saint Helena National Trust.
Teacher Training Advisor, Garry Cameron, said:
“Essentially, everyone has a part to play in unlocking the potential, attainment and achievement of children and young people on St Helena. The conference will not provide all the answers but will allow participants to carry out some ‘possibility thinking’ and discuss how this may change practice.”
As with any conference, the added value is the opportunity to come together as a community and have conversations about how best to support and develop the Island’s children and young people.
The conference will also be a celebration of success and acknowledgement of teacher and learner achievements.
Garry concluded:
“Parents and other interested members of the community are welcome to attend for the day or just drop in if there are particular items and workshops that they may be interested in attending.
“This is the first education conference taking place on St Helena so please come along and support the focus of our efforts – the children and young people of St Helena.”
#StHelena #Education #Teaching&LearningConference #AltogetherBetterForChildren&YoungPeople
7 May 2019