28 August 2018
Students and former students of Prince Andrew School (PAS) received their much anticipated GCSE and A-Level exam results on Friday, 24 August 2018.
Their official Statement of Results was issued to them in a short presentation held in the PAS Lecture Theatre. In attendance were parents, teachers and representatives from the St Helena Community College.
Acting Head Teacher of PAS, Kerry Lawrence, said:
“While we have got together today to deliver the Statement of Results and celebrate the students’ successes, the main part is the next steps. Some students will go into employment and some may already have jobs lined up, but for the vast majority of them, it will be ‘where do I go and what do I do next’, and today was all about that as well. We had a brilliant turnout and brilliant support from parents.”
Following the presentations, students were given the opportunity to speak with staff from the St Helena Community College about the Apprenticeship Scheme and talk to the Exam Officer regarding possible exam resits or remarks. Others were also able to discuss with teachers about returning to Sixth Form.
#StHelena #PrinceAndrewSchool #Students #ResultsDay #Education&Employment
28 August 2018