21 March 2018
The MV Helena is expected to arrive at St Helena from Cape Town on Monday, 26 March 2018.
The public is advised that the whole of Lower Rupert’s, including the beach area, will be closed to the public whilst the ship is alongside the Jetty.
It is anticipated that the MV Helena will depart St Helena on Friday, 30 March 2018.
The Jamestown Wharf will also be closed whilst the MV Helena is discharging cargo, but will be open to the public on Maundy Thursday, 29 March 2018, once cargo operations have ceased for the day.
Only those boarding boats to fish will be allowed early access. ‘No go’ zones will be setup using red and white barrier tape.
The Lower Rupert’s area, including the beach, will remain closed as long as the MV Helena is berthed alongside the Jetty.
#StHelena #MVHelena #MaundyThursday #Fishing #JamestownWharf #Ruperts
21 March 2018