Executive Council met today with one item on the Open Agenda.

Council considered and advised that the Gaming Machines (Amendment) Regulations 2018 and the Liquor (Amendment) Regulations 2018 should be approved and brought into force from 1 April 2018.

These Regulations provided for a modest increase for the transfer of Gaming Machine licences and Liquor licence fees, which were last reviewed in 2013.  Council was informed that the procedure for issuing liquor sales licences and occasional liquor licences was currently being reviewed to make the process more streamlined and less bureaucratic.

The Regulations giving effect to the approved increases will be published shortly and posted on the SHG website.

In any other business, Council discussed reports from South Africa in relation to a food poisoning outbreak blamed on the sausage known as polony.  Council were advised that St Helena importers have been advised of the outbreak by their suppliers and stocks are being checked.  Environmental Health will be issuing guidance shortly.

The meeting concluded at 11.20am.


6 March 2018

St Helena Government Communications Hub

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Email: communications@sainthelena.gov.sh