2 July 2018
At the June meeting of the Environment & Natural Resources Committee (ENRC) and the Highways Authority (HA) the Committee was informed that additional road signage and mirrors had been installed in various locations around the Island. Mirrors can now be found at The Brow Nr the Guide Hall in Jamestown, Clay Gut and White Wall. The mirror at Captain Wright’s Turning has also been replaced.
Prior to the meeting, the Chairman, along with the Roads Inspector, had carried out one-to-one discussions with most residents in the Drummond Hay Square area on the subject of parking in the old play area near the Quarry. These residents are most likely to be affected by the increase in traffic in this area. Residents were generally content with the idea but also expressed that they would still like to have part of the old play area reinstated as a children’s playground.
Verge cleaning along Island roadsides was discussed and members agreed that a letter of thanks should be sent to various companies who own land that converge with the roads and who have undertaken and supported the Roads Section with verge cleaning.
Traffic congestion in Half Tree Hollow (HTH) especially Nr A & D’s Mini Mart was discussed. It was noted that the proprietor has provided a car park and has posted a notice in their shop asking the public to refrain from parking on the roadside when using the Mini Mart. A recent ‘report it-sort it’ complaint highlighted this parking issue and the Police have placed two ‘No Parking’ signs in the area. Members approved that double yellow lines be painted in this area to alleviate this problem. Other road markings in this area will also be addressed.
The pedestrian crossing (pilot scheme) near the Canister has been completed, and although there are some minor issues for users, it was agreed that the public should be given more time to become familiar with its purpose. Permission has been given from Mrs Pat Musk to install a mirror on the wall of one of her properties in this area to help improve pedestrian safety.
Chief Environment Officer, Isabel Peters, continued her presentation on the Environmental Protection Ordinance (EPO), in regards to Waste Management. This coincided with a presentation on a proposed Waste Management Policy presented by Mike Durnford and Anthony Henry from the Waste Management Team. The policy makes provision for dealing with waste produced on-Island in a manner that is efficient and sustainable.
Property Manager, Derek Pedley, gave members an in-depth review of a proposal on how the two Comprehensive Development Areas (CDAs) at HTH and Bottom Woods can be brought back on track and how the proposal allows members of the public to purchase land in these two areas. This will also enable SHG to construct some houses to support the Government Landlord Housing Scheme. Several topics were discussed involving support for first-time homeowners, funding, green energy and home designs and use of facilities provided. It is anticipated that this policy will be presented to all Elected Members soon.
The Chairman informed members of the concerns raised by the Rock Guards following inspections of a rock in the Upper Jamestown area. The emergency response team had met to discuss and approval was given to have a Geo-tech Surveyor flown in to undertake further assessments. The Rock Guards were commended for the excellent work that they undertake.
#StHelena #ENRC #MeetingSummary #HighwaysAuthority
2 July 2018