10 November 2017
The RMS St Helena is currently docked in Cape Town awaiting the berthing of vessel MSC Paris that is carrying 31 transhipment containers for St Helena.
The MSC Paris has been delayed due to strong high winds in Cape Town causing the port to close earlier in the week. This has slowed down the discharge of vessels already in the port and blocked the available berths.
Due to these unforeseen delays, it is now very likely that transhipment cargo will not be available to load onto the RMS until Sunday, 12, and Monday, 13 November 2017, resulting in the need to delay departure for Voyage 265 in order to carry the cargo.
Until the MSC Paris is docked and cargo discharge commences, it is difficult to forecast the length of the delay.
Agents in Cape Town will do everything they can to expedite the movement of the transhipment cargo and minimise the delay to departure and subsequent impact on the RMS’ onward schedule.
The public will be kept updated via the local radio stations.
#StHelena #RMS #Delayed #MSCParis #CapeTown
10 November 2017