12 July 2017
Returning Officer, Gillian Francis, this afternoon announced the names of 17 Candidates who will be standing for this year’s General Election. The electorate now has the opportunity to vote for up to 12 Councillors to represent the Island on the Legislative Council:
The candidates are as follows:
Clint Richard Beard: of Cow Path, Half Tree Hollow
Cruyff Gerard Buckley: of ‘Amourville’, Half Tree Hollow
Gavin George Ellick: of New Ground, St Paul’s
Corinda Sebastiana Stuart Essex: of ‘Villa Ajaccio’, Napoleon Street, Jamestown
Anthony Arthur Green: of ‘Oltonia’, Knollcombes, St Paul’s
Cyril Keith Gunnell: of ‘Cashem House’, Napoleon Street, Jamestown
Lawson Arthur Henry: of Sea View, Alarm Forest
Kylie Marie Hercules: of Ropery Field, Longwood
Brian William Isaac: of ‘Elizium’, Longwood Road
Jeremy James Johns: of Nr Harlyn, Half Tree Hollow
Elizabeth Margaret Mary Johnson-Idan: of Ropery Field, Longwood
Cyril Kenneth Leo: of Nr Half Tree Hollow School, Half Tree Hollow
Christine Lilian Scipio-O’Dean: of Blackfield, Longwood
Derek Franklin Thomas: of Cow Path, Half Tree Hollow
Pamela Ward Pearce: of Panorama, Longwood
Marian Bernadette Yon: of Lower Poor Society Building, Jamestown
Russell Keith Yon: of Nr Avondale, Half Tree Hollow
The full Declaration, including the names of Sponsors, will be Gazetted as soon as possible and published on the SHG website.
Polling Day is set for Wednesday, 26 July 2017. Details on how and where to vote will be published in next week’s newspapers.
#StHelena #GeneralElection2017 #YourFutureYourResponsibility
12 July 2017