22 November 2017
The Chairman, Vice Chairman, members, and Clerk of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) of St Helena will visit Tynwald in the Isle of Man and Westminster from 27 – 30 November 2017 for a capacity-building programme, organised by the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association UK. This visit was requested by the Chairman of the PAC, and will be delivered by the UK Overseas Territories (UKOT) Project.
St Helena PAC members are: Chairman, Cyril (Ferdie) Gunnell, Vice Chairman, Mark Yon, and Councillors Brian Isaac, Dr Corinda Essex and Clint Beard. The Clerk is Anita Legg. Councillor Essex is unable to join the delegation, however, was able to meet the Chairperson of the UK PAC during her recent visit to London. Councillor Ellick is the alternate member of the St Helena PAC.
PAC Chairman, Cyril Gunnell, said:
“Training for PAC members and our clerk was identified as a high priority at the Miami seminar for Overseas Territories in March 2017. I am delighted with this programme, supported through the UK OT Project, and coming soon after the newly appointed Committee is excellent timing.”
In addition to observing evidence sessions of the PACs of Tynwald and the UK Parliament, the four-day programme offers opportunities for direct exchanges with UK members of both Houses, committee clerks and officials, representatives of the UK National Audit Office, and other relevant stakeholders. Sharing experience and good practice around crucial committee work, such as the preparation of inquiries and evidence sessions, will build the skills and capacity of the entire committee. The programme has been tailored to the requirements of the St Helena PAC with a view to strengthen the PAC upon their return to St Helena.
In the week of 4 – 6 December, immediately following the tailored programme, Cyril, Mark and Anita will join the 2017 Westminster Workshop for Commonwealth Public Accounts Committees (CAPAC). This follow-on workshop will include specific sessions on effective questioning, media engagement, and the challenges and opportunities for PACs in small Legislatures.
Chief Auditor and advisor to the PAC, Phil Sharman, said:
“The PAC is a committee established under the Constitution to give parliamentary oversight of the financial stewardship of Government and other public bodies on St Helena – this programme will enable the Committee to better perform this important scrutiny role on behalf of Legislative Council.”
#StHelena #PublicAccountsCommittee
22 November 2017