19 September 2017
The Statistics Office will be conducting a Household Expenditure Survey (HES) starting this week and continuing until mid-November 2017.
The primary purpose of this survey is to update the ‘shopping basket’ used to measure the impact of price inflation on households. From time to time, the composition of the basket needs to be reviewed through a survey, to make sure it represents the current average spending patterns of households and so that inflation can be measured as accurately as possible.
Statistics Officers will be visiting households to explain the purpose of the survey, what it entails, and to provide assistance with completing the questionnaires and forms. During the survey, the public can expect Statistics Office staff to be friendly, courteous, and professional, and to treat any information provided with the strictest confidence. They will not divulge any information obtained from participating households to anyone outside of the Statistics Office.
At the first interview, enumerators will use a tablet computer to capture information about household members, the house they live in, and large items purchased or regular bills paid. They will leave a two-week expenditure diary for the household members to record their spending on regular items, and will arrange further visits at the convenience of the household.
Statistical Commissioner, Neil Fantom, said:
“The fieldwork started this week and I’m very grateful to all those households that have already agreed to participate. The information they provide will be kept strictly confidential, and they will also be entered into a raffle for various items kindly donated by The Rose & Crown, Solomon & Company (St Helena) Plc , Thorpe’s & Sons, the Queen Mary Store, Joshua Brothers Covered Production, Essence Beauty Salon, and G-Unique Designs. I’d also like to thank these local businesses for supporting the survey in this way.”
#StHelena #Statistics #HES #RPI
19 September 2017