Returning Officer, Gillian Francis, this morning announced the results of Polling Day for the General Election 2017 and has accordingly declared that the following candidates have been duly elected to serve as Members of the St Helena Legislative Council:

Clint Richard Beard: of Cow Path, Half Tree Hollow

Cruyff Gerard Buckley: of ‘Amourville’, Half Tree Hollow

Gavin George Ellick: of New Ground, St Paul’s

Corinda Sebastiana Stuart Essex: of ‘Villa Ajaccio’, Napoleon Street, Jamestown

Anthony Arthur Green: of ‘Oltonia’, Knollcombes, St Paul’s

Lawson Arthur Henry: of Sea View, Alarm Forest

Kylie Marie Hercules: of Ropery Field, Longwood

Brian William Isaac: of ‘Elizium’, Longwood Road

Cyril Kenneth Leo: of Nr Half Tree Hollow School, Half Tree Hollow

Christine Lilian Scipio-O’Dean: of Blackfield, Longwood

Derek Franklin Thomas: of Cow Path, Half Tree Hollow

Russell Keith Yon: of Nr Avondale, Half Tree Hollow

The Count took place from just before 9pm last night to just after 3am this morning.

The votes awarded to each candidate were as follows:

Clint Richard Beard: 513

Cruyff Gerard Buckley: 471

Gavin George Ellick: 458

Corinda Sebastiana Stuart Essex: 742

Anthony Arthur Green: 476

Cyril Keith Gunnell: 383

Lawson Arthur Henry: 568

Kylie Marie Hercules: 460

Brian William Isaac: 631

Jeremy James Johns: 333

Elizabeth Margaret Mary Johnson-Idan: 299

Cyril Kenneth Leo: 561

Christine Lilian Scipio-O’Dean: 392

Derek Franklin Thomas: 668

Pamela Ward Pearce: 198

Marian Bernadette Yon: 136

Russell Keith Yon: 753

In total 1106 people cast valid votes. This represents approximately 49% of those eligible to vote – compared with 55% in 2013, 58% in 2009, and 47% in 2005.

There were two invalid Ballot Papers.

27 July 2017

St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470