At today’s Executive Council meeting there were six items on the Open Agenda.

Council considered the proposal for the new prison to be built on a site at Bottom Woods.  Members were concerned that they had not received sufficient information to make a judgement and the matter was therefore deferred until after further options are considered and consultation, including with residents of the area, is undertaken.

The Law Revision (Miscellaneous Repeals & Amendments) Bill was also deferred until there had been further discussions with Members.  It was recognised that this was a significant piece of legislation and further discussions were necessary.

The Registration of Electors (Amendment) Regulations were approved subject to the Elections (Amendment) Bill being passed by the Legislative Council on 12 May 2017. These amendments will give 17 year old people the opportunity to register to vote in the forthcoming General Election.

Council also considered the report by an independent body regarding Remuneration for Elected Members, the Speaker and Deputy Speaker.  The independent body, which had been appointed by the Governor under Section 72(2) of the Constitution, had produced their report and Members felt that there was a need to discuss in further detail the recommendations in the report.  It was acknowledged that this is an important issue to encourage people to stand for election this year.

Members then went on to consider and agree the revised Framework Agreement between SHG and Enterprise St Helena.  This document is a revision of the original Framework Agreement and had been updated to reflect the various changes which had taken place over the past five years.

Council also reviewed the undertakings and resolutions from the Legislative Council meeting held on 30 March 2017.

In the Closed Session there was discussion about a previously considered planning application for Hooper’s Rock.  Councillors wanted to make it quite clear that the application has not been refused, and that matters in relation to this application rest with the Planning Authority in conjunction with the Attorney General’s Chambers.

Members noted the ongoing efforts that were being made to overcome the issues regarding access to and from the Island whilst the RMS St Helena is undergoing repairs in South Africa.  It was agreed that in addition to the SHG press releases, a panel would provide an update via radio.

The meeting concluded at 1.15pm.


18 April 2017




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