17 May 2016 | Comments
The third Operational Readiness Trial was held at St Helena Airport on Friday 13 May 2016, from 9.30am to 12.30pm, followed by an Open Day from 3pm to 8pm – with all St Helena residents invited. The third trial proved to be another very useful exercise to test and fine tune key systems in the Terminal Building and elsewhere.
Volunteers and Primary schoolchildren experienced at first hand of what to expect when St Helena Airport is fully operational and handling regular commercial flights.
Head of Operations at St Helena Airport, Gwyneth Howell, commented:
“These trials have been a great success and a genuine achievement for all who volunteered to play a role on each day. I thank all of our volunteers.
“The challenge here is to take the feedback and improve one’s service delivery to all stakeholders. For me personally, it was great to see the Saints’ expressions of ‘Wow’ and the curiosity and excitement the trials and Open Day created.”
For the Open Day, hundreds of St Helena residents visited the Airport, some for the first time. Staff were on hand throughout the day to answer questions and guide members of the public through the Terminal Building, Combined Building, Control Tower and the Fire Fighting & Rescue facility. Residents also had the unique opportunity to travel the full length of the illuminated Runway by bus.
St Paul’s Primary School pupil, Lewis Caesar, was really impressed with the layout of the Terminal Building, with other schoolchildren describing the whole experience as ‘really cool’.
17 May 2016