27 January 2016 | Comments
St Helena has sometimes suffered from a short term approach to planning and this has led, in some cases, to the direction of travel changing or to possible missed opportunities from potential funders.
St Helena Government has therefore decided that a Ten Year Strategic Plan, underpinned by three year Directorate plans, will be developed using a ‘participation model’ and covering the themes below:
• Healthier
• Greener
• Safer
• Wealthier
• Better for Children and Young People.
Developing this plan will rely heavily on partnership with the Island’s community – using a blank-page approach. This will be done, initially, through a series of participation events in February 2016, with a draft then being released for public consultation.
As well as attending meetings, people are encouraged to speak to their Elected Members about their own future vision for the Island. Written submissions are also welcome and can be sent to the Corporate Policy & Planning Unit at the Castle, addressed to Assistant Chief Secretary (Performance) or alternatively can be sent to the dedicated e-mail tenyear.plan@sainthelena.gov.sh.
The plan’s success will be largely dependent on community engagement and how it reflects the community’s vision for St Helena.
Chief Secretary, Roy Burke, concluded:
“I know that people often question the point of endless strategic plans, but if we don’t set out our plans for the future how are we ever going to create the St Helena that everyone wants to see?
“St Helena is at a unique point in her history, with the future opening up before us. We should not let fate decide what the future holds. It is for all St Helenians to grasp this opportunity and decide what this Island will become. The process here is to engage the community and discuss the issues with the people who both live here and make their living here. We will also look to Saints abroad to help draw up the plans.
“We can help facilitate the discussion but your views are vital. I hope everyone will feel able to contribute.”
A list of participation events will be published shortly.
26 January 2016