1 February 2016 | Comments
Developing the Ten Year Plan for St Helena will rely heavily on partnership with the Island’s community and ideas from the Island’s residents.
As outlined below, various community events will be held, so that members of the public can openly discuss their thoughts and their vision for the Island with Councillors and SHG officials.
The participation events are as follows:
Longwood Community Centre
Monday 15 February at 7pm
Blue Hill Community Centre
Monday 15 February at 7pm
Kingshurst Community Centre
Tuesday 16 February at 7pm
Jamestown Community Centre
Wednesday 17 February at 7pm
Sandy Bay Community Centre
Wednesday 17 February at 7pm
Half Tree Hollow Community Centre
Thursday 18 February at 7pm
New Horizons Centre, Jamestown
Friday 19 February at 5.30pm
Levelwood Community Centre
Monday 22 February at 7pm
The public are urged to attend.
1 February 2016