Under the Elections Regulations, 2009, it states that a Provisional Register of Electors must be published in a Gazette on or before the tenth day of May each year. To this effect the Provisional Register of Electors was published on Friday 8 May 2015.

The Regulations allow the Provisional Register to be amended within fourteen days of publication. Members of the public who are eligible to have their names included in the Register are now invited to make application if they would like to add or remove their name, remove the name of someone who has died or left the Island, correct the name of someone who has married, or correct any error in the details recorded in the Register including change of address and/or electoral district.

To register, persons must:

  • Be over the age of 18 years with St Helena as their ordinary place of residence
  • Have St Helenian status or be the spouse or life partner of a person who has such status.

Further information about registering and making amendments may be obtained from Registration Officer, Gillian Francis, at the Castle on telephone number 22470 or via email

The Provisional Register (and application forms) is available for inspection at the Office of the Registration Officer at the Castle, the Customer Service Centre, the Public Library in Jamestown, ANRD Offices at Scotland, all rural sub-Post Offices, and on the SHG website. Copies are also held by Assistant Registration Officers, and the Administrator’s Office on Ascension Island.

Applications to amend the Register must be made in writing (on the correct form or by letter) and submitted to Registration Officer, Gillian Francis, at the Castle by no later than 4pm on Friday 22 May 2015.

Following amendments to the Provisional Register a final version will be published on 1 July 2015.


11 May 2015


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