Andy Liddell of MOD’s Salvage & Marine Operations division – currently on St Helena to lead on the operation to remove oil from the RFA Darkdale wreck – has issued a revised arrival time for the main vessel for the operation, the Pacific Dolphin – and has repeated the recent presentation that he gave at the St Helena Museum for use on local TV.

Andy said;

“Our start date for the operation has been slightly delayed, as I am now expecting the Pacific Dolphin – the large offshore support vessel from which most of our work will be conducted – to arrive in James’ Bay this Thursday, 2 July. 

 “The second vessel, the Pacific Supporter, is expected on Sunday 5 or Monday 6 July, to assist with other tasks, including laying the moorings for the tanker. The large tanker itself will subsequently arrive in mid-July, and will be quite a sight in the Bay.”

 Two pictures of the Pacific Dolphin are attached.


Andy’s presentation, including multiple illustrations and underwater footage, can be seen on Local TV 2, at the following time:


  • Approximately 7pm each day from this Wednesday, 1 July 2015, until and including Sunday 5 July.  On Friday and Saturday, the Darkdale film will follow immediately after the SAMS News


29 June 2015

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