6 July 2015

Lesley Giles arrived on Island on Thursday 25 June 2015 to take on her role as St Helena’s new Prison Manager, for a term of two years. Her key objective will now be to oversee the relocation of the new Prison from Jamestown to Half Tree Hollow.
Lesley said:
“The new facility at Half Tree Hollow will be completely different to the current conditions of the Prison in Jamestown. Part of my role is to prepare the staff for this big change – as the layout and conditions of the new Prison will be very different. This new environment, including security and prisoner welfare, all have to be properly considered to ensure a smooth transition.”
Lesley commented that there is of course a big difference between resources on St Helena compared to her previous positions. A new change for Lesley is also working very closely with the Police Service, a service which is completely separate from prisons in the UK.
Lesley remarked:
“The dedicated staff ensure that the current prison runs very well, considering the challenges working in an older prison brings.”
Lesley joined the UK Prison Service in 1990, working her way up from officer to Governor level. She has worked in HMP Prison Downview, Glen Parva – the largest young offender’s institution in Europe – and was Deputy Governor in Blantyre House Prison (in Kent) – where prisoners are sent out into the community daily – something which Lesley hopes to apply more regularly on Island.
Lesley is also focused on performance management, monitoring targets and up-skilling staff.
6 July 2015