30 October 2015 | Comments
Executive Council met today, Thursday 29 October 2015, with five items on the Open Agenda.
Governor’s Deputy Sean Burns welcomed all to the meeting.
The first item for discussion was to consider St Helena Government’s Financial Statements 2012/13, together with the Chief Auditor’s Management Letter. The Financial Secretary subsequently signed the Financial Statements and the Chief Auditor gave his Audit opinion.
In the second item, Executive Council approved the Employment Rights (Amendment) Bill. This Bill amends the Employment Rights Ordinance 2010 to make provision for equal pay for women. It also introduces a complaints procedure for female employees in respect of this right.
For the third item, Executive Council approved the Juries (Amendment) Bill which extends the age of Jurors to allow persons between the ages of 18 and 70 years to serve on a Jury. It also increases the minimum number of Jurors from eight to nine and makes provision for Majority rather than Unanimous verdicts.
In the fourth item, Executive Council approved the Environmental Protection Bill which provides a legislative framework for the protection of the environment, including the conservation of biodiversity, the control of pollution and hazardous substances, the control of litter and waste and the regulation of trade in endangered species.
Finally, Executive Council approved the Mental Health and Mental Capacity Bill, which will replace the existing Mental Health Ordinance. This Bill makes provision for the reception, detention, care and treatment of mentally disordered persons as well as provisions relating to persons who lack mental capacity.
All of these Bills will be presented as Government Business at the Formal Legislative Council meeting on Friday 13 November 2015.
29 October 2015