Derek Thomas
Derek Thomas

Councillor Derek Thomas (pictured) returned from London on 14 October 2015, having attended meetings of the CPA Executive Committee and the 61st General Assembly which were hosted at Westminster Bridge Hotel, in London, from Friday 2 to 5 October 2015.

The Executive Committee Meeting commenced with confirmation of minutes and matters arising from the previous meeting held at Sabah, Malaysia, on 9 May 2014. This was followed by reports of progress on CPA commitments in supporting branches and strengthening their activities.


Councillor Thomas said:

“Members then broke up into their sub committees – Planning and Review and Finance. I sat on the Finance Committee, where we discussed the financial accounts, the Working Capital Fund, project funding for the regions and the Conference Assistance Fund, which deals with the running cost of the CPA and assistance to regional branches.

“It was agreed for the CPA to fund a project in the region of £15k to £20k during the current financial year to assist with the refurbishment of St Helena’s Council Chamber, where we hope to make quick progress.”

Councillor Thomas was also given the opportunity to meet the new Secretary General, Mr Karimullah Akbar Khan.
He spoke of the experience:

“I was very impressed with the Secretary General’s opening remarks and very much look forward to working with him for the benefit of the CPA and its regions.”

The next (62nd) Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference will be held in Bangladesh in 2016.

26 October 2015


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