28 July 2014 | Comments
Due to the continuing need to keep doctors and nurses close to the General Hospital, community nurses are covering shifts there. As a result, the Health & Social Services Directorate advises that with effect from Tuesday 29 July 2014, outpatient and one-stop clinics in the districts will be temporarily unavailable. For the moment, all outpatients will be seen in Jamestown.
The Dispensary Bus will travel to the districts to deliver repeat prescriptions from 10am, as follows:
- Half Tree Hollow – each Monday
- Longwood – from Wednesday 30 July, the bus will deliver each fortnight
- Levelwood – from Thursday 31 July, the bus will deliver every 4th week.
Repeat prescriptions will still be available as normal from the Pharmacy, and once the clinics are back to normal the Dispensary Bus will resume its usual service.
All diabetic nurse-led clinics will continue as usual. Please contact the Diabetic Nurse for an appointment.
The Directorate once again thanks people for their understanding, and wishes to place on record its admiration of Health staff in meeting the demands of the current situation. The public will be updated as soon as possible.
25 July 2014