Executive Council met today Tuesday 1 April to consider six items on the Open Agenda.

The first two items related to Government Landlord Housing – dealing with the sale of existing Landlord houses to tenants and the introduction of a new Housing Register and Allocations policy. Both papers had previously been before Executive Council and were taken back to the Social & Community Development Committee for further detailed work. Executive Council was pleased to agree both papers, and further details will be made available to those affected.

The third item was a request for a Variation Order relating to removal of land from the National Forest – in order to facilitate the relocation of the Fire Station. This issue had gone out for public consultation and no adverse comments were received. Therefore Executive Council endorsed the recommendation which allows for development permission now to be sought for the construction of the new Fire Station.

The next item was an Amendment to the Animal Diseases Regulations. Following the recent outbreak of Avian Cholera, it was noted that when these Regulations were last amended a Schedule had been omitted. A new section was also required to give the Agriculture Authority the power to establish temporary Quarantine areas. Executive Council agreed to the required Amendments.

The final two items on the Open Agenda were information papers on the Undertakings and Resolutions made at the two previous formal Legislative Council sessions. These will be tracked to ensure that appropriate actions are undertaken.

On the closed agenda there was a long and informative discussion on the issue of backyard slaughtering, which will be continued when further information has been gathered. 

The meeting ended at 1.15pm.


1 April 2014


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