2 January 2014 | Comments
A By-Election, to elect a new Member of Legislative Council will take place on Wednesday 12 March 2014. To vote in the By-Election or to stand for Legislative Council your name must be on the Register of Electors (currently dated 24 June 2013).
The deadline for additions or changes to the Register of Electors is 4pm on Friday 10 January 2014.
Anyone eligible to be registered can apply to have the Register changed. To be eligible for the Register you must have St Helenian status (or be the spouse or life partner of someone with that status), have attained the age of 18, be present on the Island and ordinarily resident on St Helena.
For example, persons can have their name added or corrected, or have their address or Polling District amended. The necessary forms can be obtained from Assistant Registration Officer, Gina Benjamin on tel: 22470, or from the Customer Service Centre and the Public Library.
Remember if your name is not on the Register, you will not be able to take part in the By-Election. The deadline for changes to the Register is Friday 10 January.
2 January 2014