13 November 2013 | Comments
‘School Spruce’, a community based project aiming to visually and physically improve St Helena’s three primary schools, started in August of this year.
Since then St Paul’s, Harford and Pilling Primary Schools, along with St Helena Government, the private sector, St Helena National Trust, Enterprise St Helena, civil society, parents, teachers and the children themselves – have all been working together to plan how they would like each of their schools to be improved.
One of the main areas identified for improvement is the play facilities at each school and the project will provide a play area for each school with the help of volunteers, and using donated recycled materials.
At Harford Primary School a Sponsored Spell will take place on Monday 25 November to support the school’s literacy programme and raise funds for the project. A working group comprising parents and other volunteers has been established and donations for playground equipment have been received. The school is now organising a building day for early in the New Year.
At Pilling Primary the playground at the Education Learning Centre has been secured for additional play space and a business plan has been submitted and monies approved for improvement. A Sponsored Walk and a dolphin trip has also been organised by the school in partnership with parents to secure additional funding for the project. A Working Group of parents is now voluntarily building playground equipment with the actual building of the playground due to take place in the New Year.
St Paul’s Primary will this Saturday (16 November), start building the Early Years’ playground. On the day, parents and other volunteers will be preparing the playground, levelling, sanding, cleaning, cutting, painting tyres, and building structures. Endemics will also be planted on the day. A pot of pilau will be provided for all the hard workers.
Project Lead, Paul McGinnety said:
“It’s all good news with the School Spruce project – we are moving forward and it is excellent to see everyone working together to make a difference.”
12 November 2013