21 October 2013 | Comments
The public were advised that with effect from Monday 14 October 2013, the road between the Briars and Gordons Post would be closed for 10 weeks, to allow essential works to take place. Work has begun on wall repairs, slipper drains, patching, surfacing and laying the new water main.
Dave Malpas, Roads Manager commented:
“We have thirty five staff members of the Roads Section currently working on site, who have encountered good weather in the first week. We have also been fortunate that most of the excavations have not hit hard material; however with many still to occur the likeliness of hitting hard rock and slowing down work is possible. Our progress is slightly ahead of schedule, but we will wait to see if the weather over the weekend has hindered our head start.”
It has been noted that over the weekend some drivers who were not allowed to access the closure have driven through unauthorised. These occurrences have been reported to the Police and further monitoring and enforcement will be carried out during the closure.
Dave Malpas added:
“This behaviour is unsafe for the drivers as well as irresponsible, and has direct implications in hindering the work currently being done on the closure. I would like to thank the public who have continued to cooperate. Roads Section is working hard to complete the task and reopen the road as soon as possible.”
A short film displaying the work being conducted on the road between the Briars and Gordons Post will be shown on local TV channel 1 from Monday 21 October (at 8pm) to Thursday 24 October.
21 October 2013