9 August 2013 | Comments
Julian Morris, Chief Executive for Economic Development, has said that he will be returning to the UK later this year.
Julian said:
“For a number of family reasons, we have to return to the UK. I have been doing work for the Island for more than five years and I will have been lucky to do this marvellous job for just over two years. I have enjoyed every minute of it and have been fortunate to work with a committed and talented team of Saints who want to help St Helena have a better future. They will continue to help give the Island the future it wants.
“This important work will continue and has just been endorsed and strengthened by DFID agreeing to support a new 3 year programme for Enterprise St Helena that will take it beyond the airport opening.
“St Helena has a bright future ahead and as the airport opening gets closer each month, many conversations are changing from ‘will it happen?’ to ‘this is what I am doing or planning to do’. St Helena’s very real prospects in many areas – tourism, fishing, agriculture and services – are being confirmed by increasing interest from world class hotel groups and tourism businesses. Most importantly, Saints too are looking at the new opportunities now coming into view. Whilst living on Island we have remade a number of old friendships and have made some new friendships that we look forward to continuing and of course, to flying back to the Island!
“I will be working with the team to ensure a smooth handover and transition.”
Commenting on Julian’s announcement, Governor Mark Capes said:
“Julian brings valuable experience, great energy and enthusiasm to what is a truly challenging job. In short order, he assembled and motivated a new team to form Enterprise St Helena which has delivered real gains on several fronts towards achieving the goals in our Economic Development Plan. He will be a hard act to follow and on a personal note, I will greatly miss his friendship and good humour”.
SHG will begin the recruitment of a successor shortly.
9 August 2013