As part of HE’s special responsibilities under the Constitution, Governor Lisa Phillips has, together with Elected Members and the SHG Prison Project Board, been progressing the need for a new prison on St Helena.  It is a high priority for the Governor and the delays to the start of the project are disappointing and cause uncertainty for everyone.

The Prison Project Board has taken professional advice on a range of issues for the new prison, including the appropriate application of internationally recognised building standards for prisons.  We are also mindful of the views of the community, particularly in Half Tree Hollow.

After careful analysis, we have concluded that the costs associated with conversion of the old CBU at Sundale, together with the inadequacy of the ground conditions, mean that Sundale is no longer considered to be suitable for the new prison.  The Project Board has therefore recommended to the Governor – and she has agreed – that a new site should be identified for the prison.  Work is currently underway to locate a suitable position on the Island which is away from higher density population centres, but also has adequate access and services, to ensure that the costs of the new building are kept in check.

The Environment & Natural Resources Directorate is currently surveying alternative sites. Further information will be provided once a suitable area is identified and funding is approved.


30 January 2017



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