The Education Committee met on 22 January 2014 at the Education Learning Centre. Present at the meeting was Committee Chairman, Christine Scipio-O’Dean, and Councillors Nigel Dollery, Tony Duncan, Derek Thomas and Cyril George. Also in attendance were Director of Education Colin Moore, Advisory Teacher (ICT) Andy Day, Education Officer (Training) Wendy Benjamin, Advanced Skills Teacher (Maths) Carol Youde, Senior Executive Office (Accounts) Joanne Crowie, Capital Programme Manager, Sarah Troman, Buildings Surveyor, Tracey Goldsmith, and Committee Secretary, Joy Peters.

The first item on the open agenda was an update on Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) provision in the primary schools, presented by Mr Andy Day. The Committee was informed that the computer suites in the schools are being configured with a file server to enable students to have easy access to their work. The Primary school staff are trained on Mondays and Wednesdays to enable them to use ICT to mark books, compile reports and track spreadsheets.

Mrs Carol Youde then gave a presentation on her forthcoming overseas training in the UK.  It is anticipated that Mrs Youde will develop her knowledge and understanding of a middle manager’s role in leading subject development within the primary schools, with a key focus on developing the mathematics curriculum.  The Committee wished Mrs Youde the best of luck with her training and look forward to an update on her return.

The third item on the agenda was the financial statements for December 2013.

The Committee approved the proposed Public Library Policy that provides guidance to the staff within the Directorate. This policy will be presented to Executive Council in February for endorsement.

The first item of the closed agenda was an update from Ms Tracey Goldsmith and Ms Sarah Troman on the maintenance programme for all schools. It was agreed by all present that there was considerable work to be done.

Other items discussed were the draft Ten Year Plan for Education and the DfID Education Adviser’s report. 

Christine Scipio-O’Dean


Education Committee

SHG, 10 February 2014


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