Council Committees – Membership and Responsibilities

His Excellency, Governor Capes has, following consultation with the recently elected Council Committee Chairmen, appointed the following Elected Members to serve on the five Council Committees (the first listed Member will be the Deputy Chairman of that Committee):

Economic Development Committee

Chairman: Hon Lawson Arthur Henry

Hon Derek Franklin Thomas
Hon Leslie Paul Baldwin
Hon Gavin George Ellick
Hon Mrs Bernice Alicia Olsson

The Economic Development Committee is responsible for the policies of Government Business concerning Economic Development, Investment, Tourism, Agriculture, Fisheries, the Labour Market, Communications (including media, telecommunications, and postal services), Shipping and Port Management.

Education Committee

Chairman: Hon Mrs Christine Scipio-O’Dean
Hon Leslie Paul Baldwin
Hon Wilson Charles Duncan
Hon Cyril Robert George
Hon Derek Franklin Thomas

The Education Committee is responsible for the policies of Government Business concerning Education, including, Schools, Skills and Lifelong Learning.

Environment and Natural Resources Committee

Chairman: Hon Cyril Robert George
Hon Wilson Charles Duncan
Hon Gavin George Ellick
Hon Anthony Arthur Green
Hon Mrs Christine Scipio-O’Dean

The Environment and Natural Resources Committee is responsible for the policies of Government Business concerning Infrastructure (including Utilities), Environmental Management, Lands (including Crown Estate), Land Use Planning and Development Control and Forestry.

Public Health Committee

Chairman: Hon Ian Sebastian Rummery
Hon Anthony Arthur Green
Hon Wilson Charles Duncan
Hon Brian William Isaac
Hon Mrs Bernice Alicia Olsson

The Public Health Committee has responsibility for the policies of Government Business concerning Health (including Health Services, Preventive Health Services, Environmental Health, and Public Health), Disaster Management and Health and Safety.

Social and Community Development Committee

Chairman: Hon Nigel Dollery
Hon Brian William Isaac
Hon Gavin George Ellick
Hon Ian Sebastian Rummery
Hon Derek Franklin Thomas

The Social and Community Development Committee is responsible for the policies of Government Business concerning Social Security, Social Services, Pensions, Housing (including Government Landlord Housing), the Legal System (including the Constitution, Human Rights, and Immigration), Civil Society (including non-government organisations), Community Centres, Culture and Heritage, Leisure, Sports and Recreation and Employment Rights.

The responsibilities held by each Committee are subject to relevant laws and to the policies of Executive Council. Each Committee is also responsible for any policy relating to legislation relevant to their subject areas.

An Extraordinary Gazette Notice formalising the Council Committee Membership along with the Legal Notice for the Council Committees (Constitution) Order 2013, will issue later today.

13 Aug 2013


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