31 July 2024
The Utilities Regulatory Authority (URA) have issued a report on the services provided by Connect St Helena for the year 2023/24. The report can be accessed on the SHG website at https://www.sainthelena.gov.sh/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/URA-Report-23-24-FINAL-1.pdf
The URA have noted the main areas of concern are:
- A lack of a co-ordinated approach to the introduction of renewable energy
- An unacceptably high level of loss from the water network
The URA notes that a tariff structure in effect from June 2025 will bring clarity for customers in relation to the structure of tariffs. This allows for transparency on how tariffs relate to costs, and will help everyone to see whether Connect St Helena are improving their business efficiency and where the Government subsidy is being spent.