Registration of Packages Destined for UK, Europe or Other Countries

Due to international requirements for declaration of imported goods in respect of countries such as UK, Germany, USA, the Post & Customer Services Centre (PCSC) has had to implement procedures to ensure that goods sent to these countries by airmail or surface mail, have the relevant documentation for importation.

The procedure will include ensuring that all packages destined for UK, countries in Europe or other international countries, are registered.  The registration fee will be seventy pence (70p) and is additional to the cost of posting. For example, the postage for a 200g package by airmail is £3.30.  With the registration fee, the cost of the package is now £4.00.

The registered package will then be entered into an international Customs Declaration System (CDS).  This is known as Pre-Electronic Data (PED), and allows the country of destination to be aware of the package’s impending arrival.

The benefits of this procedure include lowering the risk for packages being seized or destroyed via international customs authorities by allowing the following:

  • A certainty of provenance (origin) of an item
  • Pre-knowledge of what goods are arriving in countries of destination, which lowers the risk of the package being opened for suspected drug contents
  • If there is an issue, the CDS will allow the PCSC to track the item and determine if it has been confiscated due to cross-contamination or other reasons.

Airmail and surface packages to Ascension or the Falklands will not be subjected to these procedures, and therefore will not require registration.

7 October 2024

St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470