Constituency Meetings – February and March

Councillors are hosting another round of constituency meetings in February and March. This round of constituency meetings will be attended by all seven councillors and all five ministers. 

Topics that will be discussed in detail are:

  • Budgets
  • Air access and shipping
  • Capital infrastructure

These meetings are also an opportunity to raise any issues that you may have that fall outside of the topics listed.

The constituency meetings will start at 7:30pm and will be held on the following dates at the locations listed.

Monday 19 February 2024Sandy Bay Community CentreCllr Turner
Thursday 22 February 2024Half Tree Hollow Community CentreCllr Coleman
Tuesday 27 February 2024St Michael’s Church, Rupert’sCllr G Brooks
Thursday 29 February 2024Harford Community CentreCllr Bargo
Monday 4 March 2024Kingshurst Community CentreCllr Midwinter
Wednesday 6 March 2024Jamestown Community CentreCllr G Brooks
Thursday 7 March 2024Blue Hill Community CentreCllr Turner

Please note that the constituency meeting due to be held on Wednesday 21 February at the Half Tree Hollow Community Centre has moved to Thursday 22 February.

Councillors are looking forward to your participation.

Legislative Council

13 February 2024

St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470