Tax Timeline

Please note the Tax Office is now located on the first floor of the Post Office Building.

Friday 30 June 2023 is the final date for self-employed businesses and companies to submit a tax return and profit & loss accounts.

A Tax Return and Profit & Loss Account can be obtained from the SHG website at: Tax Return must be completed electronically and sent along with your Profit & Loss Account via email through:

If possible when emailing Tax Returns please send them in Excel format and not PDF. Alternatively, you should come into the Tax Office where a computer and help will be available for you to complete your Tax Return. Please call number 25880 to make an appointment.

Please take note, any Tax Returns and Accounts not submitted to the Tax Office by Friday 30 June 2023 will result in the £100 penalty being automatically applied.

Income Tax Office Contacts: Telephone: 25880

St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470