27 July 2023
It has come to the attention of the St Helena Government that members of the public may have acquired, imported and be currently using terminals, such as Starlink, for the purposes of internet connectivity. Using such terminals is in contravention of the exclusivity of current telecommunications licencing arrangements made under section 3(4) of the Telecommunications Ordinance 1989.
From 1 November 2023 anyone using such a terminal will be liable to be subject to a ‘cease and desist’ order issued on behalf of the Government. A cease and desist order is an instruction to stop using terminals, and continue to refrain from using terminals, whilst the exclusivity of the current telecommunications licencing arrangements remain in force. Any breach of such a cease and desist order may result in the confiscation of the equipment.
SHG recognises the importance of public access to the fibre optic cable and extending those benefits to the community, and is therefore working diligently to achieve this.
#StHelena #Telecoms
27 July 2023