25 August 2023
Former Year 11, 12 and 13 students of Prince Andrew School (PAS) received their much anticipated GCSE and A-Level exam results today, Friday 25 August 2023.
Their official Statement of Results was issued to them in a short presentation held in the PAS hall.
In attendance were parents/guardians and teachers as well as representatives from St Helena Government and Solomon & Company (St Helena) Plc.
Following the presentations, students were given the opportunity to speak with staff from Career Access St Helena in regards to the Sixth Form Programme and the Apprenticeship Scheme; Solomon & Company (St Helena) Plc and Corporate Human Resources about potential careers and current vacancies in their organisations; and the Exams Officer regarding possible exam resits or remarks. Others were also able to discuss with teachers about the Sixth Form Academic Route.
Deputy Head Curriculum, Isabel Andrews, concluded:
“Congratulations to all students on their achievements. Be proud of what you have achieved and use this as a foundation for moving forward. Whether that be continuing on the academic path, choosing a blended route or entering the world of work. Special thanks to all those involved in supporting students in reaching this point; staff at Prince Andrew School for their dedication in helping students to achieve their best, our Exams Officer, Mrs Kerry Peters, who plays a vital role in all exam admin, and of course parents, guardians and carers for your support and encouragement throughout. We wish our students every success as they continue their journey.”

#StHelena #PrinceAndrewSchool #PAS #ResultsDay #AltogetherBetterForChildrenAndYoungPeople
25 August 2023