2 March 2023
The Royal St Helena Police are currently investigating damage that has been caused to the Ambledale construction site at Jacob’s Ladder.
Damage has been caused over weekends on at least three separate occasions since the start of 2023, with the most recent incidents resulting in the covered areas at the bottom of Jacob’s Ladder being ripped and torn and construction site signs broken. The nature and consistency of the incidents means the police are treating this as intentional, and therefore criminal, in nature.
Further damage has also been caused at the top of the Ladder where person(s) have entered a restricted area. Jacob’s Ladder is presently a construction site and in the interest of safety and security is off limits to the public.
The public are reminded that it is a criminal offence to cause damage to public or private property not belonging to themselves.
If anyone has any information which may assist with this investigation, regardless of how minor it may seem, please contact a Police Officer of your choice by telephone 22626 or via email: cid@sainthelena.gov.sh.
#StHelena #StHelenaPolice #AppealForInformation
2 March 2023