3 August 2023
The following change is made to St Helena’s Marine Regulation, in accordance with the Fishing Control Notice (https://www.sainthelena.gov.sh/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/EX-GAZ-45-Fishing-Control-Notice-1.pdf):
With immediate effect there will be a temporary suspension on the catch and retention of Red Slipper lobster (Stump). This temporary restriction will continue until 1 January 2024, when a new fishing year will start on St Helena.
This suspension of Stump lobster catch and retention applies to all types of fishing, including spearfishing and lancing from a vessel or from the shore.
The Total Allowable Catch (TAC) for Stump in St Helena waters for each fishing season (1January to 31 December) is 500kg per year across all fishing types [see Notes to Editor section].
Fishing catch return analysis has shown that fishing activity for this lobster species to date has resulted in the TAC for this species having been reached. It is therefore necessary for a Fisheries Control Notice to be issued suspending the catching of Stump until the new fishing year starts.
A person who contravenes a Fishing Control Notice commits an offence under section 72 (2) of the Fisheries Ordinance, 2021 and is liable on summary conviction to a maximum fine of £25,000.
For further information please contact Marine Enforcement Officer, Kelly Jonas, at the Port Control Office, the Wharf, Jamestown, on tel: 25947 or via email: kelly.jonas@sainthelena.gov.sh.
Notes to Editors
The Darwin Plus 077 Project entitled ‘Sustainable fishery management for St Helena’s lobster populations’ (which was implemented between 2019 and 2021) collected baseline data to understand both lobster species (Long leg and Stump) found in St Helena’s inshore waters. This work allowed lobster experts to estimate the stock of the species and understand their biology and ecology (such as their growth rates and reproduction). From this work a number of the current management and monitoring measures for lobsters was introduced and incorporated into fisheries licensing.
The results of this work estimated the maximum stock of Stump to be approximately 4.4 metric tonnes in any given year. It was recommended that the harvesting of approximately 10% of the maximum stock each year would be a safe and sustainable level of harvesting of the species. The TAC was therefore set at 500kg per fishing year and that Stump with a carapace length of more than 95mm could be harvested (this size restriction ensures that the Stump has had time to breed).
#StHelena #FisheriesManagement
3 August 2023