17 August 2022
The Health Services Directorate would like to remind the public that when visiting the district clinics, the Dispensary Bus service is not intended to issue repeat prescriptions directly from the on-board stock.
The Dispensary bus is intended only for the issuing of immediate prescriptions. Repeat prescriptions can be collected from the bus, however this must be first arranged with the Pharmacy at least 72 hours prior to the collection day.
Members of the public are asked to please adhere to the above as distributing directly from the bus supplies, affects service efficiency at the clinics.
Members of the public are also advised that the Pharmacy operates with limited staff numbers. During the time in which there is community spread of COVID-19, it is anticipated that there will likely be delays or cancellations expected in the Pharmacy and Dispensary bus services.
The public are therefore asked to please ensure that they have sufficient amounts of medications in case there is a delay of service or closures. i.e do not allow medications to be used down to only a day or two’s supply, before attending or calling for the prescription to be refilled, if there are delays/closures this could result in the prescription not being able to be refilled in time.
The public is thanked for your understanding and cooperation at this time.
17 August 2022