SHG Strategy 2022-2025 Published

This Strategy sets out our Government’s priorities for this financial year and the next three years. It includes our overall strategic framework and approach, and provides an overview of how we will focus on developments that will capitalise on the airport investment, prepare our people for the opportunities that will come with improved internet connectivity, and put in place policies which will make life better for those who live and work on the Island.

The Strategy includes our Prioritised Policy Agenda which will form the basis of our Legislative Programme over the next three years. Policies have been prioritised which facilitate the following:

  1. Developing a safe and reliable Health Service
  2. Growing revenues and reducing costs
  3. Developing economic resilience.

Chief Minister, Julie Thomas, commented:

“This Strategy is the roadmap which will help us to achieve our Vision. To enable us to achieve our vision, our priority policies will focus on specific areas which are instrumental if we are to address the current challenges impinging on our ability to create a more optimistic and viable future for our Island. During our tenure we will strive to keep our strategy flexible to respond to changing needs and priorities.

“We will review current legislation and policies to ensure that we are a more accountable, responsible Government that operates effectively, efficiently and ethically. We will take pride in our infrastructure and critical assets, and will utilise bespoke solutions to address local problems wherever possible, making use of the expertise and skills of our people. Finally, we will use all available communication channels to engage with and build a more informed community.”

The Strategy has been published on the Public Information, Reports and Policies page of the SHG Website via:

#StHelena #Strategy

25 May 2022

St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470