24 May 2022
The Education, Skills & Employment Portfolio offers non-compulsory Nursery Education for all children between the ages of three and four years.
The Education, Skills & Employment Portfolio will be in contact with parents/guardians of those children born on-Island and who are eligible to enter Nursery Education in the school year September 2022 – August 2023 to offer a place in Nursery Education and to give details of school placement and date of admission.
It would be appreciated if parents of children who were not born on St Helena could submit the following information in writing to the Assistant Director of Schools (see contact details below) so that an offer of placement can be made:
(i) The child’s full name and date of birth
(ii) Name and address of parent/s or guardian
(iii) Telephone number and email address (if applicable).
Once all required information has been received, parents/guardians will be advised of their child’s Nursery placement.
It should be noted that a child should attend school in the catchment area where he/she is resident. However, for non-compulsory schooling, exceptions will only be made for regular attendance outside the identified catchment area if numbers in the requested school are low enough to accommodate the extra intake and if there is a valid reason for this e.g. child care. Parents who would like their child to attend nursery schooling outside of their catchment area must apply in writing to the Assistant Director of Schools, stating which school they would like their child to attend and the reason for the placement outside of their catchment area. In such cases parents must be willing to take responsibility for transporting their child to and from school.
Correspondence can be sent to the Assistant Director of Schools, at the Education Learning Centre, Jamestown, or emailed to: kerry.lawrence@sainthelena.gov.sh.
24 May 2022