Maldivia Car Parking Contract Awarded

Following an open procurement exercise conducted in December 2021, St Helena Government has entered into a contract with Clint Stevens of Half Tree Hollow for the construction of a car parking area adjacent to Maldivia Road, Upper Jamestown.

This Project is being funded under the Economic Development Investment Programme (EDIP) Micro Projects and will comprise of the construction of 11 angled parks as a minimum, consisting of hillside excavation, masonry wall construction and road surfacing. The total value of this contract is £49,187.50 (Forty Nine Thousand, One Hundred and Eighty Seven Pounds and Fifty Pence).

Completion of these works is programmed for the end of March 2022.

Works are due to commence on-site tomorrow, Tuesday 11 January, and Maldivia Road will be restricted from the junction near the Band Room with minimal access granted only for residents and emergency services where necessary. In order to maintain access to the site and main road, the public is advised to not park near this junction. Consideration should also be given to the current traffic management arrangements at the Hospital and drivers are asked to continue to adhere to all parking restrictions in this area.

Members of the public will be kept informed of progress and are thanked for their understanding during this time.

Notes to Editors

Executive Council previously agreed a number of smaller Micro Projects under EDIP up to the value of £50,000, which can be implemented relatively quickly with a low total cost and which are not subject to detailed business cases.

#StHelena #EDIP #MaldiviaRoad

10 January 2022

St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470