21 April 2022
The Post & Customer Services Centre would like to inform the public of the following updates regarding the airmail service:
Via South Africa to the UK
The airmail service via South Africa to the UK has now been established. However, due to Customs restrictions in South Africa, the Post & Customer Services Centre is only able to accept letter mail and documentation for posting via this route. Packages containing dutiable items, such as snacks or confectionary, will not be accepted. This service will commence for the flight scheduled to depart St Helena on Saturday, 7 May 2022. Closing times for acceptance of mail will be announced in due course.
To and via Ascension to the UK
The airmail service to Ascension and via Ascension to the UK has been established. However, due to ongoing reconstruction of the runway on Ascension Island, weight restrictions are currently being enforced for flights to Ascension, which can result in the non-acceptance of mail. Ascension authorities have informed us that they will advise when mail, which includes airmail packages, can be sent, following which the public will be informed. Weight restrictions will also affect the carrying of mail from Ascension to St Helena, which is currently the only route for receiving of mail despatched from the UK. The public will be informed via radio if and when mail from Ascension and the UK has been received.
The surface mail service to Ascension and UK via the MV Helena is still being offered on a three-monthly basis.
#StHelena #Airmail #PostalService
21 April 2022