Isaac Greentree

Isaac Greentree will soon be attending Solent University, Southampton, as a scholarship student. Learn more about what Isaac is planning to study and the skills he is looking forward to bringing back to St Helena.

Why did you chose this field?

“I chose this field because from a very young age I always had a passion for technology and how things worked, as well as engineering. Computer systems and networks engineering was the perfect course to fulfil this desire. This field is also somewhat important to St Helena with future developments in fibre optic internet.”

Why did you apply for a scholarship?

“I applied for a scholarship as achieving a degree was an aspiration of mine from a young age. Having a degree will allow me to develop my skills in the workplace as well as bring back a valuable skill set to the telecommunications industry on St Helena.”

Are you looking forward to going to University and why?

“I am looking forward to starting university studies, I look forward to learning and using new technologies that are not readily available on St Helena at this time as well as joining clubs to fully utilise opportunities available to students.”

What are you hoping to bring back to the Island?

“Revolutionising the telecommunications network on-Island would boost local economy as well as improve health and medical services on-Island. Having a larger capacity internet connection will ensure all Islanders are interconnected with the rest of the world and have the same standard of connectivity.”

How will University help you develop your career path?

“A degree will help serve as a sturdy platform to form the basis of building a successful career in the telecommunications industry. This degree will also lead to further academic study post university study.”

24 August 2021

St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470