Change of Opening Times for Vaccination Clinic at the Flu Pod

The Health Directorate would like to advise the public that the opening times for the vaccination clinics being held at the Flu Pod in Jamestown will change this week commencing Tuesday, 20 April to Saturday 24 April.  

Opening times at the Flu Pod, the General Hospital, will now be from 9am to 2pm each day.  This is due to the reduced numbers involved.

If you have not yet received your first dose of the AstraZeneca Vaccine, Saturday, 24 April at the Flu Pod is the last opportunity to do so. 

If you wish to receive your first dose on Saturday at the Flu pod you are required to make an appointment with Mrs Peta Henry via email or on Tel. 22998.   

Protect yourself to protect St Helena.  


19 April 2021

St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470