3 August 2021
St Helena’s 10-Year Plan 2017-2027 was implemented in January 2017 with two underpinning goals ‘Effective Infrastructure’ and ‘Effective, Efficient and Accountable Public Sector’ agreed by Executive Council and added in September 2018. These two underpinning goals were deemed necessary to help ensure the delivery of the five Altogether goals.
A review of the Plan has been undertaken and an updated version is now available on the St Helena Government (SHG) website here*: https://www.sainthelena.gov.sh/government/public-information/
The updated version sets out progress over the past four years demonstrating that considerable change and development has taken place and through a colour coded system identifies the stage of progress reached to date in each commitment made to reach the National Goals.
Key achievements between January 2017 and 31 March 2021 include:
Altogether Safer
- Construction of Rockfall catch fences, netting and a rock trap earth bund in James Valley and Ruperts Valley
- Youth Diversion Scheme launched in July 2019 – primarily designed to prevent and divert young people at risk of offending or displaying risky behaviour from entering the criminal justice system
- Disabled friendly facilities and access continuously regulated and encouraged.
Altogether Healthier
- Replacement items purchased for the hospital and theatre to ensure continuity of the health service delivery by improving diagnosis and treatment of various conditions
- Hospital Pharmacy successfully relocated to the ground floor, Laboratory refurbishment completed and Chemotherapy Room upgraded
- Tobacco Control Legislation endorsed by Legislative Council in June 2020
- Two two-bed disabled friendly Government Landlord Homes nearing completion at Bottom Woods Comprehensive Development Area.
Altogether Better for Children and Young People
- Voting Age lowered from 18 years to 17 years in May 2017
- Maternity, Paternity and Adoption leave now included within the Employment Rights Ordinance
- Since the establishment of the St Helena Community College in August 2016 there has been a total of 1,023 registered members
- As a result of the End of Year Assessments for 2020 the following attainment was achieved: Primary Years 2-6, 56.8% in Maths, 61.9% in English. Secondary in Key Stage 3 Years 7-9, 58.6% in Maths and 46.2% in English. In Secondary, 51% of students achieved 5 A*-C/4-9 grades including English and Maths.
Altogether Greener
- A new vehicle duty tariff came into effect on 1 December 2019 to fix duty to CO2 emissions instead of customs duty percentage on the value
- A policy for licensing of all fishing activities was endorsed by the Economic Development Committee in January 2020
- A Marine Compliance and Enforcement Strategy for St Helena was developed and endorsed in January 2021
- A Waste Management Policy and Implementation Plan was completed and endorsed by Executive Council in March 2020.
Altogether Wealthier
- There were regular uplifts in Income Related Benefits and Basic Island Pension
- A revised Income Related Benefits Policy was approved by Executive Council in December 2020
- A Labour Market Strategy was approved in December 2019 and took effect from 1 January 2020
- A contract was signed with Google in December 2019 for Phase 1 of the Equiano Subsea Fibre Optic Cable Project
- A multi-year Economic Development Investment Programme (EDIP) was agreed in 2019 to provide £30m over a six-year period to improve the Island’s infrastructure.
The overall objective of the 10-Year Plan is to continue to make St Helena a great place to live, work, raise children, visit and to do business.
Since the launch of the Plan in 2017, six-monthly progress reports have been compiled and are published on the SHG website.
*Direct Link – https://www.sainthelena.gov.sh/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/SHG-10-Yr-Plan-Update-12072021-final-draft-1.pdf
#StHelena #10YearPlan
3 August 2021