Tree Surgery Works In The Castle Gardens

Works to reduce the height and spread of two Ficus trees, located behind the Public Library and Judicial Services buildings in the Castle Gardens, will take place from Monday, 5 July, through to Friday, 9 July, and from Monday, 19 July, to Friday, 23 July 2021, in the first instance. These works are being carried out by the Forestry Section of the Agriculture & Natural Resources Division (ANRD), working collaboratively with Crown Estates.

To enable this work to be safely undertaken, an area directly behind the Public Library and Judicial Services buildings will be cordoned off to allow the positioning of plant, and tree operations to occur.

Entrance to the cordoned area is restricted to authorised contractors and ANRD staff only. The public will still be able to access Ann’s Place, SAMS or the Terrace by use of the designated paths, outside of the cordoned area.  

1 July 2021

St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470