23 June 2021
- SHG introduces Senior Leadership Development Programme for Senior Managers
- First group of managers find the training insightful and beneficial
- Topics for the training came from employee feedback data, as outlined in the 2020-2023 Prospectus for Change
St Helena Government in partnership with the UK Civil Service College has introduced a Senior Leadership Development Programme for senior managers within the Public Service.
Chief Secretary Susan O’Bey explains:
“We are aiming to improve leadership development by giving aspiring and current leaders the tools, skills and capabilities to lead effectively. Part of that development comes in the form of empowering leaders to provide a strong, strategic narrative about the organisation and its future direction.”
The first group of managers – Gillian Brooks, Sophia Abrahams, Andy Timm, Gillian Knipe, Deborah Baldwin, Joyce Duncan, Glynis Fowler, Jason Lawrence, Laura Stroud and Kerisha Yon – are coming to the end of their programme which is being delivered by on-Island Facilitators, Nicola Essex, Anne Dillon and Gavin (Jack) Thomas.
Nicola, Anne and Gavin were trained through the Civil Service College as leadership trainers for this particular programme and completed an intense four-month training period to become programme facilitators.
The group is studying four modules and four action sets over four weeks, covering areas such as understanding themselves, looking outward to the complexities of the world that leaders inhabit and need to deal with, focusing on the interaction with others and exploring emotional intelligence, with attention and action on a deeper understanding of inclusion.
Topics for the training came from employee feedback data, as outlined in the 2020-2023 Prospectus for Change, focusing on key areas for development. Training will also be available for team leads, middle/line managers and supervisors.
All participants are finding the training insightful and beneficial.
Andy said:
“The training has been amazing thus far. It is inspiring as it focuses on you as an individual and provides tools to develop one’s leadership ability. It is a valuable learning experience.”
Glynis added:
“The leadership development training is very beneficial to me. I have been able to reflect on how I can improve and become a better leader in the workplace. As well as learning from each other and getting to know my colleagues, I have also learnt more about myself.
“I am thoroughly enjoying the course which proves that you can also have fun while learning. Thank you to the Facilitators who are doing a fantastic job in delivering this training to us.”
Facilitators, Nicola, Anne and Jack, concluded:
“We’re having an amazing time facilitating the Senior Leadership Development Programme to an amazing group of people who care deeply about their roles and the services they provide. As facilitators, it has been really fulfilling to be able to deliver the programme using our new skills and so rewarding to see it so enthusiastically received.”
#StHelena #PublicService #LeadershipTraining
23 June 2021