8 November 2021
A locally produced short film has won an award at COP26 in Glasgow, resulting in one of the filmmakers being interviewed on BBC World Service Newshour.
The three-minute film, produced by Danni Thomas and Emma Weaver, was announced at COP26 as an Impact Award winner in a young persons’ film competition run by youth4planet/Earthbeat on Friday, 5 November 2021.
The film tells the story of the Scotland Endemic Nursery Team saving the She Cabbagefrom extinction, and shows Prince Andrew School’s Eco-Schools class learning about conservation and helping to plant seedlings.
The She Cabbage Tree, listed as Extinct in the Wild, was rediscovered in 1976 by the late George Benjamin. Since that time only a few hundred seedlings in total had ever been collected – but this year, the Nursery Team (including the main film interviewee, Nurseries Officer (Species Team) Vanessa Thomas-Williams) managed to collect a massive 20,000 seeds and have already potted out around 17,500.
St Helena’s film was the only one from the competition to feature on BBC World Service Newshour. Friday’s short interview with Emma focused on the Nursery Team’s aim to soon plant out some of the new She Cabbages within the Island’s Cloud Forest, and looked at why restoring endemics like the She Cabbage and planting them at the Cloud Forest is important in St Helena’s efforts to combat climate change.
Watch St Helena’s #Earthbeat film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VA__8Ta6eUE&t=36s
Watch the full #COP26 Earthbeat live stream: https://youtu.be/x1GVgIGfh2k
Listen to #BBC #Newshour: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/w172xv5fbrh97b4
#StHelena #COP26 #Earthbeat #AltogetherGreener
8 November 2021