First Supplementary Appropriation (2020/21) Bill 2020

At their meeting on Tuesday, 17 November 2020, Executive Council agreed that the First Supplementary Appropriation (2020/21) Bill 2020 should be presented at the next formal meeting of the Legislative Council scheduled for Friday, 11 December 2020. The Bill is now available on the St Helena Government website at the following link:

This is the first request for a withdrawal from the Consolidated Fund since the appropriation of the annual budget for 2020/21.

The reasons for the First Supplementary Appropriation Bill are:

  • To authorise the withdrawal of monies from the Consolidated Fund to finance the procurement of a road sweeper for the Airport Runway in 2020/21 from unspent financial aid granted in 2019/20
  • In 2019/20, the full allocation of financial aid for Airport Operations of £3.5 million was claimed for St Helena Airport Limited (SHAL) operations from the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO)
  • The total expenditure incurred by SHAL for 2019/20 was £3.0 million. As a result, £0.5 million of the 2019/20 financial aid for Airport operations is held in the Consolidated Fund and these unspent funds were ring fenced by FCDO for SHAL capital requirements in this financial year
  • SHAL presented a Business Case to SHG and FCDO, seeking approval to fund the procurement of a road sweeper for the Airport runway in 2020/21 from the unspent financial aid 
  • Approval in the form of a Supplementary Appropriation Ordinance is required to withdraw £230,000 from the Consolidated Fund to enable the sweeper to be procured during 2020/21.

#StHelena #SupplementaryAppropriation #BillsforOrdinances


26 November 2020

St Helena Government Communications Hub

Telephone: 22470