31 July 2020
The Boeing 757-200 aircraft operated by Titan Airways arrived at St Helena Airport (see photo attached) on Thursday, 30 July 2020, at 4.31pm following a brief delay due to a technical issue where it had to return to Ascension Island.

This was a charter flight from the UK, organised by St Helena Government, and the largest commercial aircraft to land on St Helena. It has been reported that all operations went well. 51 passengers arrived on this flight, 39 had travelled from the UK and 12 from Ascension Island, seven of whom were in transit to the UK. The 44 passengers staying on St Helena are now in quarantine for 14 days at Bradley’s Camp.
Due to the later arrival yesterday, flight circuits were successfully carried out this morning, Friday 31 July, between 7.30 and 8.30am, following which the flight departed for the UK at 10am with 94 passengers on board. It will make a refuelling stop at Accra before arriving in the UK this evening.
Thanks are extended to everyone involved in the flight planning/operations and also to the public for their cooperation.
SHG continues to investigate options for further charter flights. If you have a requirement to travel over the coming months, please register your interest with Christina Plato at the Tourist Office via email: christina.plato@tourism.co.sh or on tel. +290 22158.
#StHelena #CharterFlight
31 July 2020